Welcome to South Crafty, my name is Alison

South Crafty, my name is Alison

For as far back as I can remember I’ve always been encouraged to waste not, want not. By
spending endless hours with my Gran and Grandad Jordan at Paul, near Penzance, I learned
how to sew, knit, bake and grow vegetables. I recall that when curtains were worn out, we made pinnies (short aprons) from them.

In turn when the pinny was worn out, they became
floor cloths. When grandad’s shirt collars were worn, we turned them inside out to be worn
again, the same with cuffs. Leftover food often became bubble and squeak and a roasted
chicken on Sunday also provided a meal on Monday and Tuesday too.
It is only in recent years that I’ve heard these practices referred to as recycling and
more recently upcycling. South Crafty has emerged from a lifetime of making and creating
in my spare time. It has always helped me relax, unwind and given me a sense of
satisfaction. Producing something from almost nothing, or another person’s discarded item
gives me pleasure.

I retired recently and have moved home too. It is a time of transition, especially as I my
husband died earlier this year, my crafts are helping my grieve and adapt to and new way
of life. At present I am making earrings with upcycled jewelry and greeting cards using a
mix of recycled and new materials. In time I will restart my bag making and perhaps more
Pixie Puri’s. Possibly simple sewing kits for children using felt which is easier to sew. They
were popular with my churches when I made them to help their fund raising.
My son Lawrie Richardson suggested the name ‘South Crafty’, he is pretty good at this
sort of thing. Check out www.Cornish Connect which is the name of his own website for his
photography. My sincere thanks to him for making me this website too.

South Crafty, my name is Alison
South Crafty, my name is Alison